Picky Eating

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Why Your Toddler Is A Picky Eater And How You Can Help Change Their Eating Habits In 4 Weeks​​

picky toddler foods

There are 3 main causes of pickiness. And, there are some tweaks we can make to see change. Research shows that everything from social influence to personality can determine whether a toddler will be picky or not. It’s also important to know, that like all of us adults, toddlers will have preferences. That is normal and okay!

Let’s take a look at the 3 main reasons toddlers are picky, and see how we can help mold and influence future eating behaviors with the things we can control…

1. Lack of exposure

fruit, bread, table

When we expose our children to something – the more they get used to and comfortable with it – would you say that’s true with your toddler? Food exposure can exist at mealtimes or in non-mealtime settings such as grocery shopping, meal prepping and gardening. When we find ways to integrate food education and experience into our children’s’ lives, the more they‘ll understand and accept a variety of foods.

2. Food inconsistencies


It’s true that foods taste different and have a different mouthfeel when they are prepared differently, right? Barbecued chicken is quite different than chicken parmesan – yet they are both chicken. Foods like chicken nuggets, are predictable for toddlers because they have the same texture every time they’re prepared. And toddlers like to be in the know, or do best when they know what to expect. So, when we know that there will be food inconsistencies depending on how the food is prepared, it is a great opportunity for us to talk with our toddler about it so they learn this, and are soon willing to try foods prepared differently.

3. Social influence


Does Mommy say yuck or not like it? This influences. Does my friend at daycare love it and gobble it up? This influences. Does grandma talk about how yummy or yucky that food is? This influences. 

We can model healthy food relationships for our children, serve a variety – whether we love the food or not – let them decide how they feel about foods, and have meaningful conversations about how different people will have different preferences, that are different from ours. That’s normal and ok.

For more picky eating support, click here to get a free instant download of The Transforming Picky Eaters How-To Guide Cheat Sheet.

What You Can Do For The Next 4 Weeks

  1. Expose your child to new and different foods through food-focused activities such as meal prep, each week.
  2. Give your child a heads up that you will be trying new foods together in a few days to see which ones you like and which you don’t like. Do this step before any new foods are served.
  3. Incorporate stories about foods at story time. Choose books with pictures of real food, or look up foods on your phone and talk about food facts. 
  4. Make it feel like a game and teamwork. Keep track of all the new foods you try on a wall chart and try all the new foods together to see which you like and don’t like, and they like and don’t like.

For more picky eating support, click here to get a free instant download of The Transforming Picky Eaters How-To Guide Cheat Sheet.

Know exactly what you can do to make change, peacefully. Say goodbye to mealtime stress, fuss and fights, for good.​​

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Want complete support with Picky Eating? Consider the complete Peaceful Transforming Picky Eaters Starter Kit that Includes...

  • The Transforming Picky Eaters eBook
  • A Simplified 4-Week Plan To Follow
  • A Mindset Prep Checklist 
  • Supply List
  • Script Wording For Common Challenges

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Picky Eating Habits

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